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5.2 Device Group Registers

5.2.3 Group Mode Register

This register is used to specify the mode a group of counters should be operated in.

Group Mode Register
Group Offset
$33     M2M1M0

The Group Mode Register is used to set the mode of the group's CF32006 master device. The slave device is always in mode 0.

The following modes can be selected for the master device.

CF32006 Modes
Counter Mode
000016-bit up/down counter (inhibits direction discriminator).
Direction Discriminator Mode
1001Single count pulse synchronous with Ua1 rising in forward direction
and Ua1 falling in backward direction.
2010Single count pulse synchronous with Ua2 rising in forward direction
and Ua2 falling in backward direction.
3011Double count pulse synchronous with Ua1 rising and falling.
4100Double count pulse synchronous with Ua2 rising and falling.
5101Quadruple count pulse synchronous with all edges.
Pulse Width Measurement Mode
6110Ua1 is the gate signal.
Ua2 is high for up counting and low for down counting.
Count is synchronous with rising 10 MHz clock.
Frequency Measurement Mode
7111Ua1 is frequency signal to be measured.
Ua2 is the gate signal of known time interval.
Count is synchronous with rising edge of Ua1.

BI-0433 - 12 Channel Incremental Encoder Interface with Isolated Inputs and Cable Fault Detection - 23 MAY 1997 Copyright © 1997 Brand Innovators B.V. [Next] [Previous] [Up] [Top] [Contents] [Back]